

作者:上海甄准生物科技有限公司 2020-07-31T09:41 (访问量:19869)

Cat No. 中文名称 Name Mw Mp Mn 规格
34037060 普鲁兰混标套装 Pullulan KIT       1.5ml*3 /
34037060-3 普鲁兰混标3 Pullulan mixture 3 2 040 000 1 530 000 1 390 000 0.75mg
202 000 201 000 154 000 1.5mg
23 000 22 000 21 300 1.5mg
991 991 991 1.5mg
34037060-2 普鲁兰混标2 Pullulan mixture 2 805 000 708 000 636 000 1.5mg
116 000 106 000 105 000 1.5mg
9 900 9 800 9 300 1.5mg
504 504 504 1.5mg
34037060-1 普鲁兰混标1 Pullulan mixture 1 343 000 334 000 264 000 1.5mg
50 600 49 400 46 600 1.5mg
6 600 6 300 6 000 1.5mg
180 180 180 1.5mg

ZZSTANDARD Pullulan mixtures are the easiest way to perform GPC/SEC calibrations. Use Pullulan mixture to obtain fast, precise and reproducible calibrations. The exact weight in the vial is known allowing the concentration to be altered by varying the amount of added eluent.

Advantages Applicability
Fast Conventional calibration
Reliable Universal calibration
Easy and safe handing Instrument validation
Free of contamination Calibration of detectors
Tip: if you use an internal flow market,please add it directly to the solvent used to prepare the Pullulan mixtures solutions.
How to use Pullulan mixtures:
1.Select the appropriate vial and unscrew the cap
2. Add the correct volume of solvent via syringe or pipette etc
Tip: When viscometer or light scattering detectors are used weigh out the added amount of solvent precisely to calculate the concentration.
3.Screw on the vial cap and wait for 2-5 hours. Gently swirl the vial to homogenize.
Tip: Slightly shaking the vial during this time will speed up the dissolution process.
4.Inject each solution separately and use Mp values to construct a calibration curve.
Use only freshly prepared solutions and use them up within two days.Solutions may only be stored in the refrigerator temporarily for a short time period.Do not freeze the standard solutions,freezing can destroy the sample.
上海甄准生物科技有限公司 商家主页

地 址: 上海市闵行区浦江镇三鲁公路3398号国茸1号楼B-506室

联系人: 陈玲

电 话: 19921389125

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